Sometimes, whether you are home or traveling, your dog just can’t stand to be apart from you. Even if you’re just in the next room, he’ll start barking or scratching at the door until you come back.
If this is a regular occurrence for your pup, don’t worry – there are some things you can do to help him feel better. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a few tips for how to make your dog more comfortable when he’s away from you. Stick around to learn more!
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What is My Dog Trying to Communicate When He Follows Me Everywhere?
There could be a few different things going on if your dog follows you everywhere. Maybe he’s trying to protect you, or maybe he’s just really attached to you and gets anxious when you’re not around.
If your dog is following you around constantly, it’s important to try to figure out what the root of the behavior is. Once you know why your dog is behaving this way, you can start to work on a solution.
Solutions for Dog Following You Everywhere
If your dog is following you around because he’s anxious, there are a few things you can do to make him feel more at ease.
- First, try to create a routine for him and stick to it as much as possible. Dogs thrive on routine and it can help to calm their nerves.
- Secondly, you might want to consider getting him a dog-specific anxiety medication from your veterinarian. This can be a really helpful solution for some dogs.

If your dog is following you around because he’s trying to protect you, there are a few things you can do to change his behavior.
- First, try to be consistent with your commands and rewards. If you tell him to “stay” and he does, make sure to give him a treat or praise him immediately. This will help him understand that he’s doing what you want him to do.
- Secondly, try to socialize with him more often. The more he’s around other people and animals, the more he’ll realize that he doesn’t need to protect you all the time.

These are just a few solutions for solving this problem. If you’re still not sure what’s going on, or if nothing seems to be helping, it could be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you figure out what’s going on and come up with a plan that will work for you and your dog.
Your Dog Could Be Following You Around Simply Because He Loves You!
Not everything is indicative of a problem! In some cases, your dog could be following you around simply because he loves you and enjoys your company. If this is the case, you’re lucky to have such a loving and attached dog. Just make sure that you’re giving him enough attention and exercise so that he doesn’t become anxious or destructive.

Common Questions
How do you know if your dog is too attached to you?
If your dog is following you around constantly and getting anxious or destructive when you’re not around, he might be too attached to you. It also simply depends on what you consider to be “too attached”. You can train your dog to go to a specific area of your home to give you space, should you need it.
Is it bad if my dog follows me everywhere?
It’s not necessarily bad for your dog to follow you around everywhere. However, you should listen to what your dog is trying to tell you if you feel that something is wrong.
It’s usually reasonably easy to figure out what your dog wants by providing them with food, exercise, and playtime.
Should I ignore my dog if he follows me?
It depends. If your dog is following you around because he’s anxious, ignoring him might make the problem worse. However, if your dog is just following you around because he loves you and wants to be around you, there’s no need to worry. Just make sure that you’re giving him enough attention and exercise, so you can rule out those problems.
Why is my dog so needy for attention?
Dogs are complex beings with many different thoughts and feelings. Some dogs are naturally more needy than others. Sometimes, your dog has a problem with his environment, routine, diet, or other factors that will make them clingier.
Take note of which actions seem to solve the problem so that you can replicate that success later on.
What does it mean when your dog sits in front of you and stares at you?
It’s happened to all of us, our dog is sitting in front of us expectantly and we haven’t the slightest clue what they need or want! Obviously, this could be due to any number of reasons and not all of them are bad or problematic.
It might indicate anything from he needs to go outside to he wants a taste of your delicious dinner. This is rarely a cause for concern.

Key Takeaways
All in all, your dog following you around isn’t a huge concern. If you are having problems with your dog being too clingy, try to be consistent with commands and rewards, and socialize with him more often.
These solutions will help you to fix the problem in most cases. However, if you’re still concerned, you may want to consult a behaviorist.