What do you do when you meet a new dog? Rub his belly, give him some delightful treats, or jolt your body to enter a playful mode.
It’s simple to get a dog’s attention, trust, and friendship without pushing yourself hard, right? Well, in most cases, you’d already be a friend if you try the above methods, but can you repeat these tricks for every dog?
Sadly, not with everyone! You see, dogs develop a sense of relationship the moment they catch a glimpse of someone. However, if you display something that they don’t like, you will probably enter their “non-friendly” list.
So why do dogs fail to accept some people? This article will help you understand why dogs develop this behavior and how you can help it.
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Your body language
While dogs depend on their smell for almost everything, your body language might not impress a dog’s visual impression. Dogs rely on body language to communicate with people, and if you portray a movement that defuses your connection, the dog might interpret the movements differently.
For instance, eye contact made with a dog is crucial to translate your emotions for the dog. If you establish direct eye contact with a dog, it depicts that you are a threatening and rude character, forcing the dog to avoid you.

Furthermore, certain body gestures like bending or forcing the dog for a hug with erratic movements all trigger bad impressions. In short, you will convey the wrong message to the dog, which can turn violent if the canine thinks otherwise.
Solution: Avoid direct eye contact or forceful body movements when you meet a new dog.
Tone of voice
Besides body language, dogs also take note of your voice tone and judge your personality through your voice.
According to a study, a dog’s brain reacts differently based on who they are listening to and how they perceive the tone of voice. Furthermore, the study also indicates that a cheerful, high-pitched voice allures a dog, and it considers that person friendly.
On the other hand, angry-sounding voices or people with deep tones often impact a dog negatively, forcing the dog to ignore that person. It is almost identical to how humans perceive one another, where speech determines a lot about a person.
Solution: Speak gently and happily when you meet a new dog, as it will trigger positive emotions and help you build a relationship.

Not smelling friendly
Dogs are very particular with their sense of smell, which is also their biggest strength.
You might have noticed that whenever you meet a new dog, it will give a good sniff to determine your nature. If you smell friendly, you will undoubtedly make an instant bond with your fur friend. However, if they find you confusing or intimidating, your chances of getting close become slim.
Furthermore, dogs hate specific scents like vinegar, citrus, and alcohol, among others, and if your body is producing such aromas, the dog will simply ignore you.
Solution: The best way to introduce yourself to a new dog is to avoid scents that dogs don’t like. Furthermore, try to accompany your introduction with proper body language and tone of voice, which can make a significant initial impact on your relationship.

Social interaction of owners
It might sound weird, but scientific research indicates that dogs pay more attention to their owner’s social life than any other pet.
Your canine friend might be more interested in your social interactions than you can imagine. Dogs follow their owner’s interactions with other family members or strangers and develop their choice for certain people.

For instance, if your dog notices that your friend refuses to help you regularly, your dog may develop or choose to ignore that friend for life. This action may further develop into hatred, where your dog may even resort to aggressive growling or even hurting your friend if it gets too close.
“A dog is a man’s best friend,” and scientific research has proven that a dog can develop identical perceptions to their owners. It might not be the case with every dog, but you might end up on the hate list if you demonstrate such behavior.
Solution: The best way to avoid these situations is to take caution while interacting with your friends in front of their dogs. You can also inform your friends to do the same if you have a faithful canine friend.
Past Trauma by bad experience
The last reason is more evident with rescue dogs who suffer from abuse or abandonment. These traumatic experiences may lead to various psychological conditions, where dogs can even suffer from inactivity and depression due to their past life.
Most rescue dogs often have sad beginnings where they meet owners who aren’t friendly to them. These dogs can experience physical or mental assault, which makes a significant impact on how they pursue a particular personality.

Furthermore, you can witness these traits even after providing these dogs with good food and shelter. Likewise, these past traumas can force them to develop mistrust or fear toward people, especially those who remind them of their previous owners.
In short, they will avoid that person or display aggression whenever they face each other. Additionally, this aggression can also trigger negative emotions, which may sometimes lead to growling or even biting.
Solution: If you have adopted a rescue dog, try to gather as much information about their past from the rescue center. This information will help you understand your dog’s past life and allow you to resolve negative issues before they haunt your dog.
Trusting your dog and showering more affection can also help your dog to forget about its past life and reduce the trauma.
Final Thought
Dogs seldom develop negativity for a person, but when they do, it might become challenging to change their minds. Although several reasons contribute to this cause, you can help your dog change its behavior by following the solutions mentioned above.
Remember, a dog’s negativity can be a product of past trauma, and giving them more love and affection may help you get the best results.