Dogs are always looking to their packmates to see what they’re eating. If there’s something good, your dog wants in on the action, too. But why do dogs act this way? Researchers have been trying to answer that question for years. Here’s what we know so far about why dogs want what other dogs have.
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Reasons why our dog always want what the other dog has
Here are some possible explanations for why your dog always wants what the other dog has:
The Pack Instinct
At its core, a dog’s desire to eat what another dog is eating is rooted in their pack instinct. In the wild, dogs live in packs and hunt together for food. The pack mentality is still strong in domestic dogs, even though they may not live in close quarters with other dogs.
When dogs see another dog eating something, their natural instinct is to want to join in. They see the other dog as part of their pack and want to share in the experience. This instinct is also why dogs are so fascinated by anything that smells like food. If another dog has been near it, that means it’s probably good to eat!
Food competition
Another reason dogs may want what other dogs are eating is because of food competition. In the wild, food is often scarce. If another dog has food, that means there’s less for them. So, it’s natural for dogs to be protective of their food and to want to take food away from other dogs.
This instinct can carry over into domestic life, even if there’s plenty of food to go around. Dogs may start to see other dogs as a threat to their food supply and become possessive or aggressive around them.

If your dog is always trying to steal food from other dogs, it’s important to provide them with their bowl and toy and not let them eat from the same dishes as the other dogs in your home. This will help them feel like they have their own space and resources and won’t need to compete with the other dogs for food.
Claiming territory
Also, a reason dogs may want what other dogs have is because they’re trying to claim territory. In the wild, dogs establish their territory and defend it from other dogs. This instinct can carry over into domestic life, even if there are no other dogs around.
Dogs may see anything that another dog has as their territory and feel the need to take it away. This can include food, toys, beds, and even people! If your dog is always trying to steal things from other dogs, try to provide them with their things and establish boundaries. For example, you may need to keep your dog on a leash when you’re around other dogs so they don’t try to take their food or toys.
Scent Marking
Another reason dogs may want to eat what other dogs are eating is because of scent marking. When dogs eat, they leave their scent on their food. This is how they mark their territory and let other dogs know that this food is theirs.
If your dog smells another dog’s scent on their food, they may want to eat it to re-mark it with their scent. This helps them feel more secure in their environment and lets other dogs know that this food is theirs.
How to satisfy your dog?
If your dog is always trying to eat what other dogs are eating, there are a few things you can do to satisfy them:

Give them their own food
Make sure your dog has their own bowl of food and toy. This will help them feel like they have their own space and resources and won’t need to compete with the other dogs for food.
Provide plenty of resources
If you have multiple dogs, make sure there are enough resources for everyone. This includes food, toys, beds, and space.
Establish boundaries
If your dog is always trying to steal things from other dogs, try to establish boundaries. For example, you may need to keep your dog on a leash when you’re around other dogs so they don’t try to take their food or toys.
Satisfy their natural instincts
Dogs are pack animals and have a strong instinct to be with other dogs. If your dog is always trying to eat what other dogs are eating, try to provide them with opportunities to socialize with other dogs. This can include going for walks, to the dog park, or attending doggy daycare.
There are a few reasons why dogs may want what other dogs have, including food competition, claiming territory, and scent marking. If your dog is always trying to eat what other dogs are eating, there are a few things you can do to satisfy them, such as giving them their own food, providing plenty of resources, and establishing boundaries.