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How to keep your dog from jumping fence (Complete guide)


How to keep dog from jumping fence

Is your dog always jumping the fence due to various reasons? If so, you’re likely looking for ways to stop him from doing this. In this blog post, we will outline a few step-by-step tips on how to keep your dog from jumping the fence. By following these tips, you can help create a safe and secure environment for your pet.

Table of contents

Address the underlying issue on why your dog is jumping the fence

Before you take measurements to keep your dog from jumping the fence, you should first identify why he is doing this. This can be due to a number of reasons, such:



If your dog is bored, he may be trying to find ways to entertain himself. This includes jumping the fence to explore what’s on the other side.

Solution: If so, you’ll want to provide your dog with more stimulation throughout the day. This can be in the form of toys, walks, runs, or even puzzle feeders.



Another common reason dogs jump fences is because they’re lonely. If your dog isn’t getting enough attention, he may try to escape to find companionship.

Solution: Spend more time with your dog. This includes playing with him, going on walks together, and just sitting down and petting him. You may also want to consider getting another dog if you’re able to provide the proper care for both animals.

Anxiety or fear

Anxiety or fear

Some dogs may jump the fence out of anxiety or fear. This can be triggered by a number of things, such as loud noises or unfamiliar people or animals.

Solution: If your dog is experiencing anxiety or fear, you’ll want to find out what is causing this and work to address the issue. This may include behavior modification training or working with a veterinarian to find the right medication for your dog



Dogs can get excited when they see people or other animals walking by. This may cause them to jump the fence in an attempt to reach the person or animal.

Solution: If your dog is getting excited when he sees people or animals outside, you can try to desensitize him to this stimulus. This can be done by slowly exposing him to the stimulus while rewarding him for remaining calm. You can also build a fence where the slats are close together so your dog can’t see through it.

General solutions to keep your dog from jumping the fence

If your dog still jumps the fence after you’ve addressed the underlying issue, there are a few general things you can do to keep him from doing this. These include:

Building a taller fence

Building a taller fence

If your dog is able to jump over the fence, he may be able to do this because it isn’t tall enough. To remedy this, you can build a taller fence. This will make it more difficult for your dog to jump over.

Make sure the fence does not have any holes as your dog can get stuck and hurt himself if he tries to jump over and gets caught.

Adding a barrier to the top of the fence

Adding a barrier to the top of the fence

Another way to make it more difficult for your dog to jump the fence is by adding a barrier to the top of it. Make sure it is done with safe materials that will not hurt your dog.

Our recommendation is using PVC pipes as they are durable and will not harm your dog. You can either attach them horizontally or diagonally across the top of the fence.

Training your dog not to jump the fence

Training your dog not to jump the fence

You can also train your dog not to jump the fence. This can be done by teaching him a cue such as “stay” or “wait.” Once he learns this cue, you can then put it into practice by asking him to stay while you walk away from the fence.

If he starts to jump the fence, make sure to give him a correction such as saying “no” or “ah ah.” You can also use a leash to help you with this. Once he is successful at staying put, make sure to give him a treat as a reward.

Although this can be a great method to keep your dog from jumping the fence, you have to keep an eye on him at all times as he may try to escape when you’re not looking.

What to do if your dog digs under the fence?

Maybe your dog is not a jumper, but a digger. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do to stop him from doing this.

Use chicken wire at the base of the fence

Use chicken wire at the base of the fence

You can try putting chicken wire at the base of the fence as this will make it more difficult for him to dig. An alternative to this is putting rocks or bricks along the base of the fence.

Bury the fence deeper

Bury the fence deeper

Another solution is to bury a portion of the fence underground so he can’t dig under it. This is best done with a metal fence as it will be more difficult for him to dig through.

If you have a wooden fence, you can try putting an L-bracket at the bottom of the fence posts. This will make it more difficult for him to dig under the fence.

Pour concrete along the base of the fence

Pour concrete along the base of the fence

Another solution is to pour concrete along the base of the fence. This will make it more difficult for him to dig and will also serve as a weight to keep the fence from moving.

This is a great solution, but can be very time consuming compared to the other solutions.

Final thoughts – How to keep dog from jumping fence

There are a number of ways you can keep your dog from jumping the fence. You can try to address the underlying issue, build a taller fence, add a barrier to the top of the fence, or train your dog not to jump the fence.

If your dog is a digger, you can use chicken wire at the base of the fence, bury the fence deeper, or pour concrete along the base of the fence. Whichever method you choose, make sure you still keep an eye on your dog.

Written by

Tim Smith
With years of experience writing about dogs, this author is a go-to source for insights on the furry friends. A lover of all animals, this writer's work has been published in many respected publications.
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