There’s no question about it, our pets are a part of our family. That’s why it can be concerning when they start to exhibit behaviors that we haven’t seen before. If you are a dog owner that cares deeply about the well-being and comfort of your Pug, then you might want to know what it means when your Pug’s tail is down.
Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through exactly what this implies for your Pug and what you can do to help the situation. Let’s get started!
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What Does it Mean That my Dog’s Tail is Down?
There can be a few different reasons why your Pug’s tail might be down. It might be a sign that they are feeling sad, anxious, or even sick. If this is a behavior that is out of the ordinary for your Pug, then it’s important to take notice and see if there are any other changes in their behavior that might be clues as to why their tail is down.

They are feeling sad or anxious
Issues with a Pug’s tail might be a sign that they are feeling sad or anxious. This could be due to a change in their routine, such as a new pet in the house, or it could be something more serious, like separation anxiety. If you think this might be the case, you may want to talk to a behaviorist if you can’t solve the problem yourself.
They are in pain
If your Pug is holding their tail down and you notice they are also whimpering or whining with a limp, it might be a sign that they are in pain. This could be due to an injury, infection, or even arthritis. If you think this might be the case, you should take them to the vet so they can be checked out and treated.
They are sick
If your Pug’s tail is down and they are also exhibiting other signs of illness, such as a loss of appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea, it might be a sign that they are sick. This could be due to a virus, infection, or even something more serious, like cancer. If you think this might be the case, make an appointment with a vet as soon as possible!
What Can I Do to Help?
If you notice that your Pug’s tail is down and they seem to be exhibiting other changes in behavior, you probably want to do anything that you can to help. Apart from taking them to a professional in the event of an emergency, here are a few things you can do to help your Pug feel more comfortable:

They are feeling sad or anxious
It’s important to show your Pug that you love them and give them plenty of attention. This can help them feel more secure and ease any anxiety they might be feeling. Part of their behavior could be due to anxiety and this can be soothed by being made to feel safe.
Create a calming environment
If your Pug is feeling anxious or stressed, it can help to create a calm environment for them. This means keeping the house quiet and avoiding any stressful situations, such as loud noises or too many people.
They are feeling sad or anxious
If your Pug’s tail is down and they seem to be less active, it’s important to keep up with their normal routine as much as possible. This means taking them on walks, feeding them at the same time each day, and giving them plenty of love and attention.
Talk to your vet
If none of this helps your situation or if you believe that it’s an emergency, then it’s time to talk to your vet. They can help you create a plan to get your Pug back to their happy self. It’s best not to gamble with the health of your Pug!
Common Questions About Pugs’ Tails
Don’t have enough information to diagnose the issue? Here are the answers to some more common questions that dog owners have then their Pug’s tail is down or won’t curl properly anymore.
Why do Pugs curl their tails?
The Pug’s tail is naturally curled. However, sometimes the tail can become uncurled due to an injury, illness, or even stress. If you notice that your Pug’s tail is down and they seem to be exhibiting other changes in behavior, it could be a sign of an issue.
Why does my dog’s tail not curl up anymore?
There could be a number of reasons why your dog’s tail is not curling up anymore. It could be due to one of the aforementioned issues, or it could be simply due to age and energy level. Another common reason is that their anal glands need to be expressed. If this doesn’t sound like a fun job to do, then you might want to call the groomer!

Are Pugs supposed to wag their tails?
Yes, Pugs are supposed to wag their tails! However, they often don’t wag them as noticeably as other dogs due to the curled shape of their tail. If you notice that your dog’s tail is wiggling but not quite wagging, it’s usually not an issue! Injury to the tail shouldn’t be completely ruled out, but it’s still likely that this is totally natural.
What type of tail should a Pug dog have?
Most Pugs have a tail that is naturally curled. However, there are some that have a tail that is straight or even kinked. This is not necessarily an issue, as long as the tail is healthy and the dog is happy!
Key Takeaways
If you detect that your Pug’s tail is down and they are displaying other behavioral changes, it’s critical to bring them to the veterinarian for evaluation.
In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help your Pug feel more comfortable, such as giving them lots of love and attention, creating a calm environment, and keeping up with their routine.