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Why don’t dogs like when you blow on them?


Why don't dogs like when you blow on them?

Dogs and puppies love when you pet them, scratch behind their ears, and give them belly rubs. But why do they seem to hate it when you blow on them? Blowing on a dog is often considered a way to “get their attention,” but science tells us that this might not be the best way to win over your furry friend. So what’s the story? Why don’t dogs like being blown on? Keep reading to find out!

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Reasons why dogs don’t like when you blow on them

Here are 5 possible explanations for why dogs might not enjoy being blown on:

Coming too close with your face

When you blow on your dog, you are coming close to their face with yours. For some dogs, this can be uncomfortable or even scary. Dogs have a strong sense of personal space, and some may not appreciate having someone invade their space in such a way. If your dog seems uncomfortable when you blow on them, it’s best to respect their space and back off.

The sound of your breath

Dogs have much sharper hearing than we do, which means that sounds that seem normal to us can be quite loud and startling to them. When you blow on your dog, they may hear the sound of your breathing and find it confusing or even frightening. If this is the case, your dog may startle or try to move away from the source of the noise.

They may not like the feeling

While we might enjoy the feeling of a gentle breeze on our skin, dogs may not feel the same way. Some dogs may find the sensation of your breath on their skin to be unpleasant. If your dog doesn’t like the feeling of your breath on them, they may try to move away or even growl or snap at you.

Reasons why dogs don't like when you blow on them

Dogs have sensitive noses

When you blow on your dog, the air from your mouth hits their nose. Dogs have very sensitive noses, and the air from your mouth might feel unpleasant to them. If this is the case, your dog may try to move away or shake their head to get rid of the feeling.

Dogs Don't Like to Be Surprised

Perhaps the most likely explanation for why dogs don’t like being blown on is that they simply don’t like surprises. Dogs are very intuitive creatures, and they can sense when something is about to happen. When you blow on your dog, they may sense that something is coming and become anxious or scared. If your dog doesn’t like surprises, it’s best to avoid blowing on them.

You Should Try Something Else If You Want to Get a Dog’s Attention

As any dog lover knows, our furry friends can be fickle creatures. They may seem to enjoy a certain type of attention one day, only to turn their noses up at it the next. This can be frustrating for pet owners, who just want to show their dogs some love. If your dog doesn’t seem to enjoy being blown on, don’t despair.

You Should Try Something Else If You Want to Get a Dog's Attention

There are plenty of other ways to show your dog love and attention. Just stick to petting, scratching, and belly rubs instead! These are all tried-and-true methods for showing your dog some loving care. So go ahead and give them a try – your dog is sure to appreciate it.


Dogs have sensitive noses and they may not like the feeling of your breath on their skin. They may also be startled by the sound of your breathing or the sensation of being blown on. If your dog doesn’t seem to enjoy being blown on, try something else instead. Petting, scratching, and belly rubs are all great ways to show your dog some love.

Other Common Questions

Dogs usually don’t like being hugged because it can make them feel uncomfortable or trapped. If you want to show your dog love, try petting them or giving them a treat instead.

Again, this depends on the dog. Some dogs enjoy being kissed and see it as a sign of affection. Others may not like it because it can be intrusive or even unpleasant. It’s best to ask your dog before you try kissing them.

This is another one that depends on the dog. Some dogs seem to enjoy being tickled, while others find it annoying or even painful. If you’re not sure whether your dog likes being tickled, it’s best to ask them before you try it.

This depends on the dog. Some dogs feel comforted and safe when they’re being held, while others may feel trapped or constrained. If you’re not sure whether your dog likes being held, it’s best to ask them before you try it.

Written by

Tim Smith
With years of experience writing about dogs, this author is a go-to source for insights on the furry friends. A lover of all animals, this writer's work has been published in many respected publications.
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