If your dog won’t go on grass, you may be wondering why. Is it because they’re afraid of getting their paws wet? Do they not like the way the grass feels? Or is there something else going on? In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the reasons why dogs may not want to go on grass and offer some solutions. Keep reading to learn more!
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Why do some dogs hate grass? Is it natural?
A dog refusing to set his paws on grass can be due to various reasons, which can sometimes be related to injury or other health conditions.
So is a dog not walking on grass natural? There are no scientific explanations to determine that dogs have a natural no-go instinct toward the grass. However, past experiences or health issues can trigger these emotions, where your dog is simply following what it likes or prefers.
Furthermore, dogs can develop identical feelings for other surfaces as well, which means your dog might even refuse to walk on floor tiles or other surfaces.

Reasons why dogs hate walking on grass
Witnessing your dog not walking on the grass can be frustrating, especially during the summers. While some dogs acquire this trait from an early age, dogs can also develop a hate for grass for different reasons at a later age.
Here are some of the reasons why dogs hate walking on grass.
Unfamiliarity with grass
If you have adopted a dog from a shelter home, chances are that your dog has never walked on grass. Since most shelter homes have concrete flooring, dogs get used to that flooring from an early age.
So if you introduce a shelter pup to the grass, it will undoubtedly take some time for your new fur friend to adjust to the surface. Furthermore, grass often houses moisture or even insects, which can be entirely new to your new pup.
The best thing to do is to give your new pup some time and let it adjust to the conditions. Once your pup adjusts to the feeling of grass, it will undoubtedly love playing and romping on the new surface.
Weird smells
Dogs are very particular with their sense of smell, so if they find anything that does suit their nose, they may reject your backyard.
For instance, dogs hate citrus fragrances, including orange, grapefruit, or lemon. So if your backyard has these plants, your dog might avoid going out on the grass.
However, not all dogs hate the citrusy flavor, and if your dog is one of them, there might be some other things at play like pesticides or specific weeds. So mowing your backyard will also enhance the chances of getting your fur friend back on the grass.
Wet grass
Wet grass is one of the few places dogs ever visit, as most dogs consider it unpleasant.
Furthermore, wet grass is often cold and might stick to your dog’s paws.
However, you can train your dog to walk on wet grass by offering treats or engaging him with an activity. You can also encourage your dog to play on wet grass by accompanying him and giving positive feedback.
If your dog is recovering from an injury on his paw, stepping on dry or wet grass can hurt your dog’s injured foot. Additionally, moist turf can generate a cold, burning sensation, which can force your dog out of the grass.
If you notice any change in behavior or body movement, it would be best to inspect your dog’s body and paws. Furthermore, ensure that your dog’s injury is entirely healed before allowing your dog to walk on the grass.
Bad experiences with lightning strikes, wild animals, or other pets can also hinder your dog’s liking for grass. For instance, if your backyard has a frequent visitor, your dog might stop visiting the grass, probably to a bad experience.
Sometimes, adopted dogs avoid grass due to their bad experience with their previous owner. The best way to encourage your dog to go out is to observe them for some time when they play in the backyard.
This way, you will understand why your dog is avoiding that place.

How to encourage your dog to walk on grass
Most dogs look to the lawn when it comes to the bathroom, which is a natural instinct for dogs. However, fear or unpleasant feelings about grass can force your dog to stay indoors, even for the bathroom.
In short, encouraging your dog to like the outdoors or grass becomes essential.
Here are the things you can do to help your dog.
- Use training treats and commands to get your dog on the grass. Making things engaging and exciting will undoubtedly overcome the unpleasant feelings and help your dog to walk on the grass.
- Besides walking on grass, ensure that you make a scheduled walking routine to help your dog adjust to different surfaces.
- Mow your backyard frequently and identify plants or weeds that might produce weird smells for your dog.
- Spend time with your dog and check for the possible intrusion of other pets or wild animals while they play. This way, your dog will develop a positive attitude towards the grass and conquer his fear.
Final Thought
Although familiarizing a dog with grass might take some time, proper engagement and motivation will help your dog overcome his fears.
We hope that this article has helped you understand this condition and how you should deal with it.