How long will my dog food last (Calculator)
Do you wonder how long your dog food will last? Use our calculator to find out. Just enter the amount of food in pounds that you have, how much lbs is in one cup, and how many cups your dog eats in a day.
There is also an optional field to calculate the average costs of the food per day and month. This can be helpful when budgeting for your pet.
(Disclaimer: results will be based on user’s input)
How long will my dog food last (formula)
The formula is very simple. Here is how long your dry dog food will last in days.
Number of days = Amount of food in pounds / (Cups per day x Cups per pound)
For example, if you have a 40-pound bag of dry food and your dog eats 1 cup per day, it would last approximately 40 days [40 lb / (1 cup x 1)].

How long will dry dog food last?
You could have tons of dog food, but it is only as useful if it is not expired. Dry dog food that is unopened and stored properly can last 18-24 months. Once opened, dry food should be used within 3-6 weeks for the best freshness.
So make sure you don’t buy too much at once and check the expiration date!
How long will my canned food last?
Canned food generally has a shorter shelf life than dry food. For unopened cans, most manufacturers recommend using them within 4-5 days of opening the can. Unopened cans can last up to 2 years.
Once opened, use canned food within 3-4 days for best quality. Canned food can be stored in the fridge to help it last longer
How should I store my dog's food?
You should store your dog’s food in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or near any heat source. Do not store opened bags of food for more than 3-6 weeks.
How to know if dry dog food has gone bad?
Dry dog food can go bad if it is not stored properly. The most common sign is a very strong odor coming from the food. The food may also be hard to break apart or crumble.
If your dog avoids the food or has trouble digesting it, this may also be a sign that the food has gone bad. If you are unsure, it is better to be on the side of caution and throw it out.
I think my food has gone bad, how can I tell?
If your food has gone bad, you will notice a change in color or smell. The food may also be hard to break apart or crumble. If you are unsure, it is better to be on the side of caution and throw it out.
How often should I feed my dog?
You should feed your dog 2 times per day. If you want your dog to lose weight, you can feed him 3 times per day in smaller portions.