Has your pup ever scooted around the floor after a grooming appointment? Or, are they sitting down abruptly? If so, you’ve probably been as surprised and confused as most pet owners. After all, it doesn’t seem like something that would come up during their spa day!
Surprisingly enough, dog scooting is pretty common, and today, we’ll tell you why! From non-groomer-related issues, to only observable through rear-end activities. Let’s take a look at five likely reasons why your pup could be engaging in post-grooming scoots.
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5 reasons why your dog has an itchy bum after grooming
These are the most likely cause of your pup’s post-grooming scooting:
Anal gland issues
We’ll be honest, this issue isn’t the most pleasant, however, it is one of the more common reasons for scooting. If your pup’s anal glands are not expressed correctly, they may try to relieve discomfort with a good scoot!
Groomers express anal glands externally which can leave some residue in the area, so if you’re noticing your pup scooting right after a groom, this could be the reason. If you see other signs of discomfort such as licking the area or a foul smell, it’s best to get a vet appointment scheduled.
- Bum scooting or dragging
- A dog who quickly jerks its head back, looking in the direction of their bum
- Discomfort when passing stool
- A swollen anus or, more accurately, we may see some swelling on either side of the anus
- Excessive licking of the back end accompanied by bad breath
- A fishy smell
Allergy issues
Allergy issues can cause a range of skin-related problems, and post-grooming scooting is one of them. If your pup has allergies to certain grooming products, they may be trying to rid their skin of any irritation.
The groomers might have used a product that doesn’t agree with your pup’s sensitive skin, making them scoot around to try and relieve the itching. You should always let your groomer know if your pup has allergies before their appointment, so they can use products that are more suitable for them.
Poor hygiene
If your groomer’s business practices aren’t up to hygienic standards, your pup could be carrying a multitude of germs and bacteria that may irritate their nether regions.
Don’t worry, there are ways to make sure this isn’t the case! Before scheduling an appointment, check online reviews and ask your local vet for recommendations.
You can always check yourself, too! Visit the groomer before your pup’s appointment and take a look around. If everything is clean and sanitary, it should be safe to go ahead with your scheduled grooming session.
Skin irritations
Skin irritations can be a real bummer, especially when they start causing your pup to scoot around the house. Dry skin, abrasions, and even fleas may all leave your pup feeling itchy, making them want to scoot around the floor in an attempt to get relief.
To help avoid this issue, make sure your pup is well-groomed and cared for. Regular brushing, bathing, and flea & tick prevention are all essential steps in keeping your pet healthy.
If the problem persists, it’s best to take them to the vet for a checkup—they may be able to give you more specific advice on how to alleviate their irritation.
Clipper burn
Clipper burn is probably one of the most common reasons behind post-grooming scoots. This occurs when a groomer clippers too close to your pup’s skin, resulting in an uncomfortable and itchy burning sensation. Yikes!
If you’re seeing signs of clipper burn after grooming, be sure to let your groomer know—they may need to adjust the length of their clipper blades and/or use a gentler product.
It’s also important to keep an eye on your pup after their appointment; if they’re still scooting around, take them back in for a check-up or call your vet for advice. A little extra scooting now could help a lot later on!
And, as always, make sure your pup’s groomer is using proper clipper safety measures to avoid any uncomfortable mishaps. After all, no one likes a burnt bum!

6 Tips to avoid post-grooming scooting
If you’re looking to keep your pup from scooting after their next grooming session, there are a few simple steps you can take:
- Double-check your groomer’s business practices and make sure they’re up to standard
- Let your groomer know if your pup has any skin allergies or sensitivities
- Ask for the grooming products they’re using and make sure they’re suitable for your pup
- Keep an eye on your pup after their appointment
- Provide regular brushing, bathing, and flea & tick prevention
- Make sure to use the same groomer consistently
Following these simple tips can help keep your pup’s post-grooming scoots at bay!
Final Thoughts – After Grooming Dog Itching
So, there you have it, if your pup is scooting after their next grooming session, don’t panic! These tips will help ensure that post-grooming scoots become a thing of the past. And if all else fails, maybe it’s time for a new groomer…
And remember, when it comes to post-grooming scoots, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Now get out there and keep those pups groomed and scoot-free!