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How To Keep Your Dog Cool In A Hot Apartment (10+ Tips)


How to keep your dog cool in a hot apartment

When the weather is hot, it can be tough to keep your dog comfortable in an apartment. Dogs rely on their owners to help them stay safe and healthy, especially during extreme weather conditions like excessive heat. Here are 10 tips to help keep your dog cool in a hot apartment.

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Signs your dog is overheating

Before we get into how to keep your dog cool, it’s important to know how to spot the signs that your dog is overheating. These are all signs that your dog is too hot and needs to cool down immediately:

  • Panting excessively
  • Drooling more than normal
  • Has reddened gums
  • Is lethargic or uncoordinated
  • Appears to be in pain

What to do if your dog is overheating?

When you think your dog is overheating, the first thing you should do is move them to a cooler location. If they are outside, bring them inside and if they are inside, turn on the air conditioning or put them in front of a fan. You can also wet their fur with cool (not cold) water and offer them small sips of water to drink.

If your dog is still panting excessively or showing other signs of heatstroke, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or seizures, then you should take them to the vet immediately.

10 Tips to keep your dog cool in a hot apartment

This list offers some ideas on how you can keep your dog cool and comfortable in a hot apartment. Some are quite self-evident, while others you may not have considered before.

Get an air conditioner

Get an air conditioner

This is probably the most obvious solution, but it’s also the most effective. If your apartment doesn’t have central air conditioning, consider getting a portable unit or window unit specifically for your dog’s area.

Air conditioning will help to regulate the temperature in your home and make it more comfortable for everyone, including your dog.

Worried about the cost? There are a number of ways to save on air conditioning, such as setting the temperature a few degrees higher than you would normally and using fans to circulate the cool air.

Nonetheless, an air conditioner is a worthwhile investment if you want to keep your dog cool and comfortable in your apartment during the hot summer months.

Use fans to cool your dog

Use fans to cool your dog

Fans are another great way to help keep your apartment cool. If you don’t have air conditioning, or if you want to supplement it, fans can be very effective.

Not only are they cheaper to operate than air conditioners, but they can also be placed in specific areas to help cool your dog down. For example, you could place a fan near your dog’s bed or crate to help keep them comfortable.

However, don’t point the fan directly at your dog as this can cause them to get too cold. Just let the air circulate around them to help keep their body temperature down.

Keep the blinds or curtains closed

Keep the blinds or curtains closed

This is a simple but effective way to help keep your apartment cool. By closing the blinds or curtains, you can block out some of the heat from the sun and prevent your apartment from getting too warm.

It is especially effective if your apartment has a lot of windows or gets direct sunlight for most of the day. Just make sure you leave some ventilation so that your apartment doesn’t get too stuffy.

Give your dog a cool dog bed

Give your dog a cool dog bed

Your dog’s bed is one of the places they are most likely to spend time when they are home, so it’s important to make sure it’s as cool and comfortable as possible.

There are a number of cool dog beds on the market that can help to keep your dog’s body temperature down. These beds usually have a gel or water-based filling that helps to regulate your dog’s temperature.

It does not necessarily have to be a gel or water-based filling bed, it can also be a thinner and more ventilated bed. This will already provide more comfort for your dog in the heat.

Make sure you groom your dog on time

Make sure you groom your dog on time

This is an important tip all year round, but it’s especially important during the hot summer months.

Make sure you brush your dog regularly to remove any loose hair and help them stay cool. It’s also a good idea to trim their hair if it’s getting too long.

A trimmed dog will not only stay cooler in the heat, but they’ll also be less likely to suffer from matting and tangles.

Keep your dog hydrated

Keep your dog hydrated

It’s important to make sure your dog stays hydrated, especially in the hot summer months. Dogs can easily become dehydrated, so it’s important to offer them water regularly and make sure they always have access to fresh, clean water.

If you’re going to be out of the house for a while, make sure you leave a bowl of water for your dog. And if you’re going to be gone for an extended period of time, you may want to consider getting an automatic water dispenser.

Add ice cubes to your dog’s water

Add ice cubes to your dog’s water

Adding ice cubes to your dog’s water is a great way to help keep them cool and hydrated. Not only will the ice cubes help to keep the water cooler for longer, but your dog will also enjoy the novelty of chewing on them.

Give your dog a frozen treat

Give your dog a frozen treat

There are a number of different frozen treats you can give your dog to help them cool down. You could, for example, freeze some of their favorite toys or make your own frozen dog treats.

A simple way to do this is to pour some water into an ice cube tray and add some of your dog’s favorite food or treats. Once frozen, you can then give them to your dog as a treat.

Give them a cold bath

Give them a cold bath

If your dog is particularly hot, you may want to consider giving them a cold bath. This can help to cool their body temperature down quickly.

However, it’s important to make sure the water isn’t too cold and that you don’t put ice in their bath as this can cause them to get too cold.

After you give your dog a bath, make sure to dry them off with a towel. This will help them avoid getting overheated from the blow dryer.

Avoid exercise in the afternoon heat

Avoid exercise in the afternoon heat

If your apartment is hot and your dog just came in from the heat outside, then this could be trouble.

If possible, try to exercise your dog in the morning or evening when it’s cooler outside. If you have to exercise during the day, make sure to do it in a cool, shaded area and take breaks often so your dog doesn’t overheat.

Final thoughts – How to keep your dog cool in a hot apartment

There are a number of different ways you can keep your dog cool in a hot apartment. By following the tips above, you can help to make sure your dog stays comfortable and safe in the heat.

Written by

Tim Smith
With years of experience writing about dogs, this author is a go-to source for insights on the furry friends. A lover of all animals, this writer's work has been published in many respected publications.
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